The Main Line is a neighborhood built around the main train line that ran out of Philadelphia towards Lancaster. It is where I grew up, and where my yoga school is located.
It is also the channel The Serpent Goddess Kundalini travels to reunite with her Beloved.
Jesus is on That Main Line,
Tell Him what you want.
I like these 'composite paintings' from 18th century india. It reminds me of a composite Durga that my friend Dave game me once. Durga was created from the power and the energy of all the Gods. All of the shakti combined made her powerful enough to destroy the evil buffalo demon, Mahiasura. It would be interesting to know if there is any relationship between the Hindu Myth, and these Mughal Paintings. I found this painting, and many more, on "Journey Round My School"
Also, for your enjoyment, here is a traditional version of "The Mahiasura Mardini Stotram" a song the celebrates Durga as the Fierce Warrior who defeats the Buffalo Demon. Those of you who go to Amma's programs will probably recognize it, it is a favorite.
someone showed me this really interesting PDF about 'the fertility awareness method of birth control. i gave it a google, and this is what came back:
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) is a collection of practices that help a woman know which days of the month she is most likely to get pregnant. A woman can learn when ovulation is coming by observing her own body and and charting physical changes. She can then use this information to avoid or encourage pregnancy. The most effective way to discover YOUR fertile time is to practice all of the techniques described here.
Fertility Awareness increases a woman’s understanding of her body and her menstrual cycle.
After 15 days of investigation, India’s Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences concluded its study of 82-year-old yogi Prahlad Jani on Thursday, May 6.
Jani, who claims to have lived without food or water since his childhood, was under the close watch of three video cameras 24 hours a day. Researchers conducted various medical tests on him. The research team, consisting of 35 scientists, could not find any evidence that Jani ate or drank anything during the 15 days.
Last week was a crafty week, i decided to make both lemon pickle and saurkraut. Saurkraut I've made before and find totally delicious, but I haven't made lemon pickle before. Arsha Vidya makes a slammin version, but it never occured to me that I could make it myself. However,I found a recipe online and decided to try it out. Funny thing is, is that now that this recipe is on my mind, lemon pickle is popping up everywhere! I just found a second method, which looks great as well.
Although it certainly needs a little more time, i tasted it yesterday, and it is coming along really nicely. here are the two sites: (you'll love the website names)
I've wanted to learn this Ganesha Mantra from the Rig Veda for several years now, it has always struck me as being a chant that really conveys and connects with Ganesha Shakti. For some reason, it has always escaped me. I would try to learn it, and try as I might, it would slip through the cracks of my mind. I would put it on the back burner, and when I would later come back to it, I would experience the same frustration. For some reason, earlier this week, it clicked for me. I don't know why, and I don't know how, but I suppose that isn't for me to know. It might have been the time spent with the book 'Loving Ganesha' (link below), but I can't say for sure. I'm going to chalk it up to karma, and shakti. Like our Old Friend Krshna says in the Bhagavad Gita, 'No effort on the path is wasted'. So keep on practicing.
I hope you enjoy the above video, its not exactly the melody or tempo that I use, but it sure is pretty.
Gananam tva ganapating havamahe [traditionally chanted ganapati gm] kavinkavinam upamashravastamam, jyeshtharajam brahmanam brahmanaspata a nah shrinvan nutibhih sida sadanam
Mr Jani, who claims to have left home aged seven and lived as a wandering sadhu or holy man in Rajasthan, is regarded as a 'breatharian' who can live on a 'spiritual life-force' alone. He believes he is sustained by a goddess who pours an 'elixir' through a hole in his palate. His claims have been supported by an Indian doctor who specializes in studies of people who claim supernatural abilities, but he has also been dismissed by others as a "village fraud."