Sunday, December 23, 2007

Some notes about Betheyla

It is a quiet night, a few days after Winter Solstice, and a few days before Christmas. Writing a few notes about my dearly departed Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher, Betheyla, seems to be as good a way as any to begin the foray into Blogging. She died before dawn on the Ninth of December, so, where most of the major hubub around her passing has died down, we are still well within the TBOTD's 49 days. Still a good time to be feeling her out, reminding her to move on, etc.

Since she knew that she was dying, she spent a good deal of time with the TBOTD, which I suppose is what any of us would do, and she picked out some passages that she liked. I tried chanting it in Tibetan, but my Tibetan is not so good, so I scanned it a couple of times, and called it good. What to do, what to do...

Well, I suppose that that the Gods decided to take pity on me, because out of nowhere, my ole pal Pema Tendar decided to call, and announced that he was coming down to visit me for a day or two, as soon as I came to pick him up in Newark. Pema's Tibetan is excellent, and he is a Ningma Monk from The Zangdokpalri Monastery, so chanting Bardo Prayers is part of his holy work. I rushed off to collect him, with the hopes of having him teach me the chant, or in the event that it really was to much for me, to get a recording of it for listening and meditating and sharing with all of the other friends whose Tibetan is just as bad as mine. Well, Pema Tendar came through, he was happy to record the prayer, and even pulled out some other texts so that he could add some invocations and dedications. He asked me what her name was, so I believe he personalized it. He really did it up nice. I imagine that Betheyla is really happy with the result, which is good, because you've got to figure that she engineered the whole thing from behind the curtain.

Pema's Bardo Prayer For Betheyla



    Thank you for this blog and brought me joy as I search for my Mom today.


  2. Like anything new? Id like to get started with Yoga. Like where do I go?

  3. thank you for posting this blog and the prayer. i am also sure she loved it, and it helped her through her journey.

    her loving son
